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Posted on May 30, 2018
After 14 years, Hope Through Health changed its name to Integrate Health — here’s why… When Hope Through Health was founded in 2004, HIV was a…
Posted on May 24, 2018
After 14 years, Hope Through Health changed its name to Integrate Health — here’s why… When Hope Through Health was founded in 2004, HIV…
Posted on Apr 22, 2018
Click here to read the publication. Fiori K, Schechter J, Gbeleou C, Braganza S, Rhatigan J, Houndenou S, Lopez A, Bensen E, Hirschhorn LR….
Posted on Mar 23, 2018
Click here to access the tool. Ballard, M., Bonds, M., Burey, J., Dini, H.S.F., Foth, J., Furth, R., Fiori, K., Holema, N, I., Jacobs,…
Posted on Mar 22, 2018
Read the report here. Ballard M, Schwarz R, Johnson A, Church S, Palazuelos D, McCormmick L, Sall, E, Fiori K.
Posted on Mar 9, 2018
Learn how to design an intervention with community input from Jenny Schechter, Integrate Health’s CEO and Co-Founder, as part of Fitzroy Academy’s impact course!…
Posted on Mar 9, 2018
Click here to read an important message from Jenny Schechter, co-founder and executive director of Hope Through Health, on the intersection between #MeToo and…
Posted on Mar 8, 2018
This article was originally posted on March 8th, 2018 on Jennifer Schechter’s Medium. The #MeToo movement went international recently as a chorus of voices…
Posted on Feb 15, 2018
Our learning partner and ideological kindred spirit, Muso, visited last December to help us plan the roll out of our reproductive health package and…
Posted on Feb 14, 2018
Togo is known as a “hardship” country, but it cannot be boiled down to a word like that. Amanda Fenwick-Smith, our Monitoring and Evaluation…
Posted on Jan 20, 2018
This article was originally posted in January 30th, 2018 on Jennifer Schechter’s Medium. Bending the Arc, a new documentary by filmmakers Cori Shepherd Stern,…
Posted on Dec 13, 2017
Jennifer Schechter, an activist, mother, and co-founder and CEO of Integrate Health shares impressions from a trip to Togo, West Africa and what it…
Posted on Dec 13, 2017
Jennifer Schechter, our executive director, shares impressions from a recent trip to Togo, West Africa and what it means for Universal Health Coverage on Medium (read…