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Posted on Dec 12, 2017
  Hope Through Health believes that Community Health Workers (CHWs) are a critical component to Universal Health Coverage. Our ability to ensure quality health…
Posted on Dec 6, 2017
Virgin Unite, the philanthropic arm of Richard Branson’s global Virgin brand, profiled Hope Through Health in an article entitled: “How communities can transform healthcare…
Posted on Nov 28, 2017
In honor of Giving Tuesday and World AIDS Day, your gift to Hope Through Health counts twice. Any donation made between 11/20/17 and 12/1/17…
Posted on Oct 4, 2017
Community Health Workers integrated with improved health centers is a powerful combination, with an incredible impact.  In the past year alone, this combination has…
Posted on Sep 27, 2017
By their own admission, the Mulago Foundation is obsessed with impact. They are driven to find social entrepreneurs (for-profit and non-profit), change agents, and…
Posted on Aug 1, 2017
In January 2017, HTH partnered with Health Builders to participate in the 2017 CHMI Learning Exchange program. In this blog, Pernille Hoej, Hope Through Health’s Maternal…
Posted on Jul 25, 2017
Hope Through Health is thrilled to have Dr. Komlan Nabissan Kenkou join our staff as the new Medical Director! Dr. Kenkou has extensive experience working within…
Posted on Jul 20, 2017
The numbers behind the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Togo mask a hidden threat. While an overall prevalence rate of 3.2% in Togo might suggest an…
Posted on Jun 21, 2017
On May 26th, Hope Through Health hosted its second annual All Staff Retreat. With over one hundred employees spread out over 10 different locations…
Posted on May 12, 2017
The Kpindi health center is the smallest of the four satellite clinics that Hope Through Health serves, and arguably the most in need of…
Posted on Mar 27, 2017
Imagine you live in a rural village in Northern Togo, you are 9 months pregnant and when you feel the contractions of labor you…
Posted on Mar 16, 2017
Click here to read the publication. McCarthy KJ, Braganza S, Fiori K, Gbeleou C, Kpakpo V, Lopez A, Schechter J, Singham Goodwin A, Jones…
Posted on Feb 4, 2017
In Togo, very few pregnant women receive ultrasounds although every woman is recommended to have at least one during their pregnancy. This is due…