250+ leading economists agree that UHC makes economic sense

Sep 24, 2015


In advance of the UN meeting in New York on post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals, 267 economists representing 44 countries called on policymakers to prioritize Goal 3.8, Universal Health Coverage (UHC), as an essential tool for economic development. Convened by the Rockefeller Foundation and led by Harvard’s Larry Summers, the signatories of the Economists’ Declaration for Universal Health Coverage include renowned economic thinkers such as Thomas Piketty, Joseph Stiglitz, and Paul Collier.

One billion people still lack access to essential health care services, and each year 150 million people fall into poverty because of health care costs. The economists argue that reaching these people with quality health services is not only a smart investment in health, but is key to sustainable economic development. According to Linah Mohohlo, Governor of the Bank of Botswana, “Healthy people are the engine of a country’s economic growth. Universal health coverage ensures that engine is constantly fueled.”

Hope Through Health continues to act on the belief that health is a human right, ensuring that all of our patients in Togo have access to affordable and quality health care. We are excited to hear that leading economists agree that UHC is not just a right, but a good investment in the future of our economies. We anxiously await the outcomes of Goal 3.8 and the SDG Summit this weekend!

Read the full text of the declaration here.