Community Health Workers connect communities to healthcare

Community Health Workers walk door to door, in their own communities, equipped with personal protective equipment and a backpack full of supplies. The backpack contains everything they need to provide lifesaving care. Community Health Workers are trained to administer treatment for children with malaria, diarrhea, respiratory infections, and malnutrition; provide family planning; screen newborns and pregnant mothers; and refer patients to health centers for advanced care when needed.

The impact of Community Health Workers

Community Health Workers bring high-quality care to their communities’ front doors.

Community Health Workers
The number of trained, equipped, supervised, and salaried Community Health Workers who conduct proactive case-finding and provide home-based care to ensure population-level coverage.
Community Health Worker visits
The number of visits Community Health Workers make to households, including all types of consultations, educational sessions, and active case-finding since 2016.
Vaccinated children
Number of children aged 0-11 months who received 3 doses of DTP-HepBHib3 vaccine out of total estimated children aged 0-11 months)

Integration is the key to success

Read about the Integrated Primary Care Program and all of the components that create a strengthened health system.