Inauguration of the HIV Care Clinic in Ketao

Feb 4, 2014

Last week, our Togolese partners were celebrating the inauguration of a new HIV Care Clinic in Ketao, one of our four satellite sites in the region. In collaboration with the United States Embassy in Togo, Hope Through Health members built a three-room structure that houses a pharmacy, a psychosocial and medical consultation room, and a conference room where members will meet to discuss the management and vision of their cooperative. Hope Through Health members were so motivated by the project that they mobilized all of the community resources that they could identify. The village development committee donated the land, some community members chipped in financially, and HTH members even transported sand, water and gravel in large basins atop their heads. Members showed up in droves, on-time, and in their finest African cloth to celebrate their new center of care. The event was highlighted by folkloric dance, a recital, and refreshments. What made the celebration even more remarkable is that we were joined by Robert E. Whitehead, U.S. Ambassador to Togo. In addition to the community’s contribution, the building was financed by the Ambassador’s Self Help Program, a grassroots humanitarian aid program that allows the U.S. Embassy of Togo to provide financial assistance to small, community-based development projects.

U.S. Ambassador to Togo Robert E. Whitehead enjoys a folkloric dance performance.

Serving nearly 200 men, women and children living with HIV, the Ketao satellite location was in need of its own space. The president of the Ketao satellite, Fatima Anate, said that the new building will allow HIV patients to seek medical attention in privacy and dignity. She also pointed out that by no longer needing to pay rent monthly, the new building will allow them to allocate more money to life-saving services. The construction of the new HIV Care Clinic in Ketao reflects Hope Through Health’s commitment to the empowerment of community members to define their own goals and work to achieve them. HTH members can be proud of their hard work on this project. They were even more encouraged to hear that Ambassador Whitehead pledged additional funding to further equip the care center. Congratulations to our members and a huge thanks to the United States Embassy of Togo!!!