You Made This Possible

Dec 10, 2014

Dear Friend,

One of the most transformative experiences of my life was meeting and getting to know a young boy by the name of Sadate. When I first met Sadate in 2006, he was ten years old and weighed only 22 pounds. He was extremely sick and I was unsure if he would survive his first hospital admission.

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Not only did Sadate survive, he has thrived.

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Today, Sadate is alive and prospering, thanks to the high quality healthcare and support he received from Hope Through Health and our partner organization, AED-Lidaw. Thanks to your partnership, we are able to provide lifesaving services, like those that helped Sadate, to more than 1800 adults and children in Togo who would otherwise have no access to care.

Sadate’s journey and the life he is able to live today are my motivation to continue to fight for access to high quality healthcare for all. His success reminds us what is possible.

Thank you for your continued support of Hope Through Health. Together we can make good health a reality for every child.

In Solidarity,
Jenny Schechter, MSW, MPH

Co-Founder and Executive Director
Hope Through Health