Venance began his career as a senior health technician at the University Hospital Center of Kara. He was deeply moved by the disastrous health conditions of people living with HIV. He draws inspiration from the dedication of Peace Corps volunteers (notably Kevin Fiori and Jennifer Schechter) within the NGO “Association Espoir pour Demain” (AED-Lidaw) towards this vulnerable group for the improvement of their living conditions to work alongside them as a volunteer, thus contributing to the medical care of PLWHA in associative settings since 2004. He was identified by the national program for the fight against HIV, sexually transmitted infections, and hepatitis (PNLS-HV-IST) as a field actor to be strengthened by bringing him to have the inter university medical and paramedical diploma sub regional medical and paramedical sub regional of Francophone Africa to the care of people infected with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa in Ouagadougou (BURKINA FASO) in June 2009. After several national and international experiences with Expertise France and Integrate Health on the issue of HIV, he is now working at Integrate Health as a consultant in the global management of HIV infection.