Jérôme PALOU, 30 years old, is married and father of two adorable girls. He obtained his professional license in nursing at ENAM of Kara in 2014. He then completed a six-month internship from August 2014 to January 2015 at the Polyclinic of Kara in Medicine. With this proven experience acquired during his internship, he held his first position as “Chef de poste” at the AFASA NGO Nursing in Kara where he practiced for 6 years. Driven by his desire to always work where the need is felt and especially to contribute to the welfare of the underprivileged and destitute, Jérôme has also developed his skills, in parallel to his position with the NGO AFASA, at the Center for the Development of Children and Youth (CDEJ) of Kara-Sud, which is a center created by the NGO COMPASSION from September 2017 to January 2021. He was in charge of monitoring the health status of the poor children of the center. He then joined the team of the NGO Integrate Health as supervisor of the CHWs in Binah in February 2021 to contribute to the achievement of the objectives and expectations of the NGO in this district.
Jérôme Palou