Ferdinand is a Nurse State Graduate. After an excellent training course at the National School of Medical Auxiliaries of Kara, where he graduated in August 2018, he started his professional life the same year with a professional integration internship at the Sanda-afohou health center (Bassar district). Ferdinand got to know Integrate Health (IH) during this internship through the mentoring activities of the organization he benefited from. Committed and willing to learn, he left to continue his career at Adéticopé health center in the maritime region after 8 months. In 2019, he was contacted by Manga health center (Bassar district) to be an assistant nurse. His path crossed again with Integrate Health. Through the clinical mentorship of IH, he gained more experience. Through contact with the Clinical Mentors and CHWs’ Supervisors of Integrate Health, Ferdinand fell in love with the organization and embraced its vision. This is how he joined IH a few years later to serve as CHWs’ Supervisor for the Dankpen district.
Ferdinand Panla