Kombaté has a humanitarian fiber. Before joining Integrate Health, this thirty-year-old man had over 5 years of experience in a local organization helping people living with HIV/AIDS: the Association « Espoir pour Demain » (AED-Lidaw). With a Bachelor’s degree in Management and Planning from the University of Kara, this animal husbandry enthusiast was in charge of Monitoring, Evaluation and Quality of AED-Lidaw from January 2018 to August 2022. During this period, he was also in charge of Monitoring & Evaluation of a project, the « NF3-Global Fund Project » until his departure from the same structure. Never short of energy, Kombaté participated in data collection projects, always within AED-Lidaw. These include mapping of key populations in Togo (from November to December 2017) and data collection for the Togo Community Processing Observatory (ITPC/WA) (from July 2017 to June 2021). It is natural that this father of family chose Integrate Health for the next step in his professional career as a Data Manager. That’s good! He loves data.
Kombaté Sipiere