Fourth of ten children, Métalwa hails from Houkuo, one of the villages that make up the canton of Pangouda (Kéran district). Like many in her community, she comes from a farming family. After primary school, she dropped out in the secondary school cycle, due to an early pregnancy. She joined her husband in Pangouda, where they worked in the fields. Then, one day in October 2020, she learned about Integrate Health’s activities at a village meeting. The NGO had just set up the integrated primary care program in the Kéran district. She applied for the position of Community Health Worker (CHW). Selected, she left for the town of Kara, in the Kozah region, for training. After training, she completed a 1-month internship at the Pangouda health center under the supervision of the health center manager.
Métalwa Nambiema