Richard is a state-qualified nurse with a professional nursing license obtained in 2014 from the National School of Medical Auxiliaries in Kara. With his license in hand, Richard headed for Kétao (Binah district) for an advanced training course at the local health center. At Kétao health center, there was not only a succession of minor treatments, but also a succession of emergencies. In time, Richard was entrusted with overseeing the health center’s medical services. He spent three years there. Looking to broaden the scope of his missions, in 2017 he answered the call from the Guilgal Child and Youth Development Center (CDEJ) in Pagouda (Binah). There, Richard was in charge of preventive health activities and monitoring the center’s children. He also administered first aid, an extraordinary human adventure for this passionate researcher. The humanitarian bug having got hold of him, he will commit himself to Integrate Health as Supervisor of Bassar CHWs with his expertise and coaching skills.
Richard Gnassigbe