Why I support Hope Through Health

Dec 17, 2014

Dear Friend,

I first began working with Hope Through Health as a Peace Corps Volunteer in 2007. Seven years later, I am still inspired by the impact Hope Through Health is making in Togo, the commitment of its staff and healthcare workers, and the strength of its patients. This is why I give monthly, as part of the Stand With Us campaign.

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Since it was founded, Hope Through Health and its partner organization, AED-Lidaw, have provided thousands of people living with HIV/AIDS in Togo with access to quality healthcare. Through the Stand With Us campaign, a monthly recurring donation of just $20 provides an entire year of high quality healthcare services to one individual, like Naima pictured above. Today, I ask you to make a recurring donation and pledge your support to Hope Through Health!

Aimee de la Houssaye, MA
President, Board of Directors, Hope Through Health