The Impact of Your Support

Feb 4, 2014

Dear Hope Through Health Supporter,

We have been telling you a lot about our Community Health Workers lately. Today we want to show you exactly what impact your support can have in Togo. Meet Sadate…

In 2006, Sadate was 10 years old and had been living in a small village with his grandmother since his parents passed away. Everyone in the village knew him to be an extremely sick child. However, he had never received modern medical treatment.

After completing one day of a Community Health Worker (CHW) training organized by Hope Through Health, a newly trained CHW went to speak to Sadate’s grandmother. The CHW convinced his grandmother to take Sadate to the nearest hospital, roughly 30 miles away. Sadate was hospitalized, tested positive for HIV and immediately started on antiretroviral therapy. At ten years old, he weighed only 22 pounds.

After one month in the hospital Sadate was released and followed by a CHW. Within one year his weight doubled, he attended school for the first time, and at 11 years old, he ran for the first time in his life. Today Sadate is 16 years old and doing very well.

Sadate’s story is remarkable, but not unique. There are 3,000 more patients like Sadate that Hope Through Health currently cares for and there are thousands more in need of assistance. An additional $10,000 would enable Hope Through Health to hire 20 new Community Health Workers to provide support to an additional 300 families living in hard-to-reach areas of Togo. Sadate’s resilience is a testament to what we can accomplish together, Americans and Togolese, in the fight for health and equality.

In the spirit of solidarity, I ask you to please consider Hope Through Health in your annual giving this year. I ask you to make a contribution that feels meaningful to you. Help us ensure that Sadate’s story is not an exception but rather an example of how the right to healthcare can be realized for all invidividuals in Togo.

Kevin Fiori, Jr. Co-Founder and Associate Director Hope Through Health