Spread across Togo and all around the world, Integrate Health’s staff reunited in person for an All Staff Retreat in Kara, Togo. Community Health Workers, the Global Support Team, the Country Team, and other close friends of the organization all marked their calendar to join the week-long, in-person event. Coming out of COVID-19 restrictions, this was the opportunity to celebrate our achievements and reflect on our values, mission, and strategy. Not missing one bit of this exceptional reunion, we packed the week with strategy sessions, cross-team meetings, sites visits, and a friendly soccer game!

All staff reunited
The retreat culminated with an all-staff day, where almost 400 people, including our 200 Community Health Workers, gathered at the Convention Center in Kara. Dancing, music, and congratulatory words from the district health director and the mayor’s office representative opened the celebrations.
Integrate Health’s CEO, Country Director, and Human Resources Director also took the opportunity to host a townhall meeting. Integrate Health is a fast-growing organization, and changes may create uncertainty and leave employees with a feeling of anxiety. Hearing various concerns and answering questions, Integrate Health’s leadership created an engaging dialogue with the staff. The discussion ranged from salary and benefits to the future of the organization and the expansion to Guinea.
With everyone coming together, it was a moment for sharing and a moment to show recognition for each other’s work.
Rewarding values and commitment
To celebrate the commitment of employees and show appreciation, the Operations and Human Resources teams organized an “Integrate Health Value Award.” Six individuals who demonstrated exceptional skills and commitment towards Integrate Health’s values were recognized and given a certificate.
Our renewed congratulations to:
- Katin Atomkilasso for winning the Efficacy Award
- Magnoudewa Hodalou Pitekelabou for winning the Empowerment Award
- Agnès Essodinam Miziou for winning the Transparency Award
- Pyalo Pali for winning the Commitment Award
- Komlan Agbatan Eketan for winning the Respect Award
- Benjamine Akouvi Elitcha for winning the Collaboration Award

Gathering all staff in Togo was a way to power up and find more determination to reach our goals and fulfill our mission. Pyalo Pali, a Community Health Worker Supervisor who won a value award, explains:
“For me, the All-Staff Day was a great opportunity to meet and share with colleagues from Lomé and around the globe, which is such a rare occasion. Winning an award with everyone present made me so proud. I realized how much my work was valued, and that gives me the strength to pour even more effort into it.”