We exist to prove that a better standard of healthcare is possible
Although global mortality rates for women and children are on the decline, essential health services remain out of reach for half of the world‘s population. In response, Integrate Health collaborates closely with governments to bolster health systems and achieve Universal Health Coverage, addressing critical gaps and advancing health equity.

Geographic inequities remain sharp
The global decline in mortality has been much slower in some areas of the world, reflecting sharp inequities in access to quality health services. Maternal and under-five mortality rates remain unacceptably high, particularly in West Africa.

97.7 children under five die per 1,000 live births in West and Central Africa, compared to only 6 in the United States.

679 women die per 100,000 live births in West and Central Africa.

1/3 of the annual 300,000 global maternal deaths happen in francophone West Africa.
Strategy: accelerating impact
Integrate Health delivers primary healthcare innovations to communities in West Africa. When we demonstrate the impact and cost effectiveness of our Integrated Primary Care Program, we create evidence for strong community health policies. We use that evidence to accompany governments to reach their Universal Health Coverage goals and disseminate our lessons learned on the global stage. This is how we accelerate impact.

Delivering high-quality primary healthcare
We deliver free, community-based primary healthcare through trained, equipped, supervised, and salaried Community Health Workers and through improved public health centers to reach every mom, girl, and child under five who needs it.

Strengthening health systems
Integrate Health is committed to ensuring that West Africa paves the way for strengthened primary healthcare across the continent. We work at the community, national, and global levels to make sure that health systems are strong and well prepared for epidemics, pandemics, and other public health emergencies.

A measurable impact
We use innovative data systems to monitor progress and implementation science research to evaluate impact.

Replicable and sustainable
Together this package of services creates a seamless system of healthcare delivery that ensures access to high-quality care, supporting governments’ Universal Health Coverage targets, at a replication cost of only $10 per capita.