User Fee Removal Eliminates Barriers to Care

Research shows that even very small fees sharply limit access to healthcare. The pay-for-service nature of healthcare systems creates a vicious cycle where low utilization rates leave the health center with little investments while the community receives little care. By removing financial barriers, specifically costs at the point-of-care, use of lifesaving healthcare services increases dramatically. Health centers see more patients, and patients get the care they need. Over the long term, these changes shift the entire culture around health.

The Impact of User Fee Removal

Eliminating user fees allows patients to seek healthcare when they need it.

Annual Per Capita Cost
The estimated annual maintenance cost of the Integrated Primary Care Program in Togo, based on audited financial statements from FY2022.
Consultations of children under five in Kéran, Togo
The total number of consultations of children under five completed at Integrate Health-supported health centers in the Kéran district in Togo, which was at 959 for the period Jan-Mar 2020 before the IPCP was launched in October 2020.
Consultations of children under five in Kouroussa, Guinea
The total number of consultations of children under five completed at Integrate Health-supported health centers in the Kouroussa district in Guinea, which was at 4152 for the period Jan-Mar 2023 before the IPCP was launched in December 2023.

Integration Is the Key to Success.

Read about the Integrated Primary Care Program and all of the components that create a strengthened health system.