Our New Partnership with GlobeMed at MIT

Feb 4, 2014

HTH is thrilled to announce our new partnership with GlobeMed at MIT! GlobeMed aims to strengthen the movement for global health equity by empowering students and communities to work together to improve the health of people living in poverty around the world. GlobeMed partners students with grassroots organizations to address health disparities. HTH is honored to be partnered with the GlobeMed Chapter at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). To learn more, read the following post reprinted from the GlobeMed at MIT blog or visit http://globemedmit.wordpress.com/ or http://globemed.org/impact/mit/.

Our new partnership with Hope Through Health

August 31, 2012 by globemedatmit

We are excited to announce our new partnership with Hope Through Health, a non-profit working in Togo, Africa to improve access to healthcare and HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. Alongside the Togolese non-profit community-based organization AED-Lidaw, Hope Through Health runs 4 clinics and provides anti-retroviral therapy and medications to fight opportunistic infections to over 2500 people. HTH also strives to educate surrounding communities about HIV/AIDS, runs a program to prevent HIV transmission from mothers to children, and provides training for Community Health Workers (CHW).

Under the healthcare model of AED-Lidaw and Hope Through Health, most of those who work to maintain quality healthcare services, such as the pharmacists and Community Health Workers, are also people living with HIV/AIDS. The commonality of the condition among those receiving and providing healthcare services create a sustainable healthcare model with strong community support and better understanding within HTH clinics. Furthermore, research studies have shown that CHWs have been proven to improve proper medication usage for patients.

With Hope Through Health, GlobeMed at MIT will initiate projects to improve pharmacy capacity and management by providing tools for medication tracking via technology and software, as well as provide computer training for AED-Lidaw staff. Currently, all patient records and medication tracking methods are done manually on paper. As an MIT student group, we are excited for the learning opportunities and the chance to contribute to a cause that addresses such pressing needs. Stay tuned for more news about Hope Through Health and updates about our upcoming campaigns and events!