Thank you to our supporters for making “A Touch of Togo in New York” a success

May 10, 2019

Thanks to our supporters for making “A Touch of Togo in New York” event last Friday night a success.

Collectively, their support totaled $23,088!

As Reena Ninan, our emcee at the event, shared with the audience there, each of our Community Health Workers carries a backpack that is filled with medical equipment, supplies, and medication— “an entire pediatric consult in a bag”—that can be used to avoid, treat, or prevent child-killing illnesses. Community Health Workers carry these backpacks from home to home, door to door, across entire villages, collectively making as many as 100,000 home visits a year.

The event raised enough funding to keep almost 29 backpacks full for an entire year! 

Each Community Health Worker will visit as many as 1,695 homes per year, walking as many as 15 kilometers to meet women and children where they are. That is through the rainy season and the summer months when temperatures climb to 100°; it is through the dry season, when Harmattan, a dusty wind, sweeps down from the Sahara toward the West African coast, coating every surface with a red dust. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, these CHWs will be well equipped on each walk and home visit.

In addition, Integrate Health would also like to thank Zoe Rain for contributing her art work to the event and Reena Ninan for hosting.