An article entitled “How NGOs Can Work with Governments to Build Partnerships That Will Scale,” written by Integrate Health’s Chief Executive Officer, Jennifer Schechter, and Country Director, Christophe Sesso Gbeleou, was featured in the Stanford Social Innovation Review.
Jennifer and Christophe draw on their experience building a primary healthcare program in partnership with the government to explore lessons learned when trying to scale healthcare innovation. They argue that through genuine partnerships, built on trust, NGOs and governments can work together to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems.
Four key lessons from their experience in building partnerships are:
- Center the voice of the government
- Implement within the existing government delivery and data systems
- Build relationships with government partners at all levels
- Progressively transfer real ownership to government partners
Integrate Health is still on the journey to scale in partnership with the government, but Jennifer and Christophe hope that an effective transfer of ownership will be a springboard to national scale.
To read the article, visit SSIR here: