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Posted on Jun 4, 2020
The first email Sahaletou received when she joined Integrate Health’s US Team as Development and Operations Assistant was a “Welcome Home” note from Integrate…
Posted on Jun 3, 2020
Like so many of you, our hearts are broken. We are devastated by the suffering and injustice around us. As mothers and fathers, daughters…
Posted on May 12, 2020
At Integrate Health, the health and safety of our staff is a top priority. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, all Integrate Health Community Health Workers…
Posted on Apr 29, 2020
Click here to read the article. Published: April 29, 2020. Kaplowitz ET, Fiori KP, Lauria ME, Gbeleou S, Miziou A, Sowu E, Schechter J,…
Posted on Apr 27, 2020
The first case of COVID-19 in Togo was announced on March 6th, 2020. As of April 27, 2020, there have been 98 confirmed cases,…
Posted on Apr 7, 2020
Justine puts on her blue vest, a signal to the world that she is a Community Health Worker. She grabs her backpack full of the necessary…
Posted on Mar 18, 2020
COVID-19 has touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world. As it spreads quickly through the world, we are yet…
Posted on Mar 12, 2020
Integrate Health is proud to announce that both of our Co-Founders, Jennifer Schechter, Chief Executive Officer, and Kevin Fiori, Chief Science Officer, have been…
Posted on Mar 9, 2020
Originally posted on Jennifer Schechter’s Medium. A recent report commissioned by American Express in partnership with the New York Women’s Foundation found that while a majority of women…
Posted on Feb 25, 2020
Mazabalo Bilim began working for Integrate Health as a Clinical Nurse in 2015. In 2018, he was promoted to Clinical Mentor of the Bassar…
Posted on Feb 20, 2020
Mr. Telebi TIMOBOE, a traditional healer in the Dankpen district of Togo, was asked how he consults his patients. He explained that when there…
Posted on Feb 20, 2020
On a demandé à M. Telebi TIMOBOE, un herboriste dans le district de Dankpen au Togo, comment il consultait ses patients. Il a expliqué :…
Posted on Feb 10, 2020
In October, I had the pleasure of shadowing Lare Koutom, a Community Health Worker who supports the Integrated Primary Care Program in the Bassar…