The Story of a Community Health Worker and her supportive husband

Jun 14, 2016

Fathers across the world can play an important role in improving the health of women and children. In Togo, Gnansa Makanbo, is an amazing father and husband to one of Hope Through Health’s Community Health Workers. Back in 2015, it was Makanbo who first encouraged his wife, Kossiwa, to apply for the job of Community Health Worker. Kossiwa admits, “It is not every husband that will accept that their wife works, let alone push them to apply for a job.”

Kossiwa at work in Northern Togo

Since Kossiwa has begun working as a Community Health Worker, her husband Makanbo continues to support her and has also taken on many household tasks traditionally reserved for women. During the rainy season, Makanbo paddles a canoe to help Kossiwa cross rivers. He has even been seen walking with her through waist-high water carrying supplies on their heads in order to reach far out villages. The small business Kossiwa ran before becoming a Community Health Worker is now being managed by her husband, who also cares for their children and the family farm while Kossiwa is at work.

Father’s Day is an important time to recognize and try to emulate supportive men like Makanbo. In honor of your own father or another incredible father in your life, we invite you to make a gift to Hope Through Health today. On behalf of Makanbo and Kossiwa, and all father’s who are striving to improve health for women and children, we thank you. Thank you for standing alongside Makanbo with your solidarity and support.