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Posted on Oct 1, 2020
Hear from four new Community Health Workers in their own words about their motivations to serve their communities
Posted on Sep 30, 2020
You can’t manage what you can’t measure, goes the old adage. We might adapt that to say, the Government can’t manage what you measure…
Posted on Sep 14, 2020
Integrate Health’s mission is to make quality primary healthcare accessible to all. As part of a four-year expansion, the Integrated Primary Care Program will…
Posted on Sep 1, 2020
Supervision is one of the critical elements common to high quality Community Health Worker (CHW) programs. In many health systems, health center-based providers are…
Posted on Aug 24, 2020
Before the removal of point-of-care fees in her community, Mariama used to negotiate a payment plan with her doctor when her children fell ill….
Posted on Aug 17, 2020
Like the primary health centers supported by Integrate Health in Togo, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) or Community Health Centers are often the first…
Posted on Aug 12, 2020
“I usually get bored in these types of meetings,” said Alazar*, a community member from the district of Bassar while attending one of Integrate…
image of Anita Kouvahey-Eklu
Posted on Jul 30, 2020
Anita Kouvahey-Eklu recently joined Integrate Health as our new Deputy Country Director. Anita’s tenure with Integrate Health could not have begun at a more critical time….
Posted on Jul 22, 2020
Every morning when head nurse Koupapa SOHO walks into the Koundoum health center to start the day, he is greeted by patients who have walked…
Posted on Jul 16, 2020
“When a person from this village travels to the Health Center” the Chief of Village of Djamde explains, “they have to cross long distances…
Posted on Jul 7, 2020
Integrate Health is in the midst of an exciting process to restructure and strengthen our data management systems. The overarching goals of this process (as…
Image of Patawalo Essodom
Posted on Jun 22, 2020
Patawalo Essodom lives in the community of Sanda-Afahou in northern Togo. As a Community Health Worker, she spends a lot of time visiting her…
Posted on Jun 12, 2020
Integrate Health is a founding member of the Community Health Impact Coalition. We want to share and echo the coalition’s statement in regard to…